Country | Cambodia |
Period of Contract | 2015-02-26 To 2015-06-26 |
Name of Client | Help Age Cambodia |
Address of Client | #309, Group 27, Chrey Kaong village, Slakaet district, Battambong province. |
Donors | N/A |
Contract Value | 9500 USD |
Name of associated organizations | N/A |
Promoting community resilience through increasing adaptive capacity to climate change in Battambang Province, Cambodia project aims to demonstrate climate change management in five villages and to build awareness of Disaster Risk Reduction management and practices in 35 communities, in Aek Phnom District, Battambang Province. This action concerns the capacity building of Older People Association (OPA) in rural villages vulnerable to the effects of climate change for the purpose of demonstrating community resilience. This action focuses on resilient-building strategies at the sub-national and community level, including livelihoods, water resources management, awareness and preparedness. This action expects to have five outcomes:
The firm provided final evaluation consultancy service, design project final evaluation method, conducted field data collection, data analysis reporting, and presentation of the finding
Specific method and approaches:
Conduct dissemination workshop on result of evaluation
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