Country | Cambodia | |
Period of Contract | 2015-11-01 To 2015-12-01 | |
Name of Client |
Address of Client | #3rd Floor, Room 371, Building F, Phnom Penh Center, Sothearos corner Sihanouk Blvd, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh. | |
Donors | Foundation Ensemble (FE) | |
Contract Value | 26000 USD | |
Name of associated organizations | N/A |
The “Tonle Sap Conservation Project- Protecting Unique and Critical Habitat to Safeguard Human Livelihoods and Food Security in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia” was funded by Foundation Ensemble (FE). The 4-year project began on November 1st 2011 and is scheduled to end on October 31st, 2015. More information about Fondation Ensemble projects including this project in Cambodia can be found here:
The goal of the Tonle Sap Conservation Project was to strengthen income generating opportunities, develop new and improved livelihoods, maintain food security, and improve access to clean water for many of Cambodia’s poorest people, linking to restoration of the Tonle Sap Lake’s unique flooded forest ecosystem. This goal was to be achieved by partnering with local communities, the Cambodian government, local private sector actors and local non-governmental organizations to create alternatives to harmful practices such as overfishing and destruction of flooded forest habitats. The project location was on the Tonle Sap lake in Pursat Province, Krakor District, and targeted three villages and 200 households.
The firm provided consultancy service for following objectives:
Monitor our success to allow amplification by replicating our approach in other core flooded forest areas
Specific method and approaches:
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