
Vulnerable Index Study for Human Trafficking - USAID-funded project Cambodia Countering Trafficking in Persons Project (CCTIP)​

Published date: December 30, 2023 Views: 5413
Country Cambodia
Period of Contract 2016-01-26 To 2016-12-26
Name of Client Winrock International Cambodia
Address of Client Room 5A-5C, Building 18, Street 578, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Donors USAID
Contract Value 3XXXX USD
Names of associated organizations N/A


In Cambodia, WI is implementing a USAID-funded project known as the Cambodia Countering Trafficking in Persons Project (CCTIP).The CCTIP is a holistic, multi-pronged, four-year program that bolsters the capacity of communities and government in coordination with private sectors and development partners to reduce the trafficking in persons in Cambodia through prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership with government and different stakeholders that address the root causes of trafficking in persons (TIP), including gender-based violence and gender-based discrimination, financial barriers, and skill barriers.

Description of actual services for the assignment:

1) Baseline Survey to determine measurable change for this specific result, undertaken at project start to establish initial values on knowledge and practice of protective behaviors and women’s empowerment toward gender equality in the safe migration process. The baseline survey was used for the design of the BCC strategy of the CCTIP Program, ensuring that activities, target groups, communication channels and materials are tailored to the specific communication needs of the target areas and that they are most likely to produce the desired changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and to promote awareness of safe migration and of women and men's perceptions of gender-based violence and gender-based discrimination and their link to migration and trafficking. The survey was conducted in nine provinces of Cambodia with 2500 respondents.

2) The firm provided consultancy services for the creation of a human trafficking vulnerability index based on a sample of 65 communes over 9 provinces of Cambodia. The vulnerability index represented the baseline for the measurement of the effectiveness of safety net for migration and risk of human trafficking. This was a qualitative study.

Specific methods and approaches:

  • The study was almost qualitative for 65 commune meetings. It will be participatory scoring on vulnerability for conclude to be commune vulnerability index.

Contact Us

  • Address: Room 104, KT tower Building (23), Street 112, Sangkat PhsaDepo 3, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Tel: +855 99776696 | +855 99 48001
  • Email:

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